Telegram update brings users auto-delete, widgets and unlimited group member options
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Telegram delivered an update this week which brings clients an auto-erase clock, home screen gadgets, and limitless gathering individuals in talks, among other energizing new highlights.
In a blog entry on its site, the informing application laid out the new highlights in extraordinary detail.
Auto-erase messages
Clients that don't want for messages to keep going forever can erase messages for all members in a discussion whenever, composed Telegram.
Since 2013, clients had the option to set a fall to pieces clock for messages in Secret Chats.
Presently nonetheless, a client can empower an auto-erase clock on the whole the visits, which is arranged to erase all directives for all members either 24 hours or seven days subsequent to sending.
Telegram explained that the choice just applies to messages that are sent after the clock is set. More established messages will remain in talk history. Though in Secret Chats the commencement begins after messages are perused, with this choice, the commencement starts when they are sent.
Android clients: Tap the three specks > clear history > pick length
iOS clients: Press and hold a message > tap Select > Clear Chat (upper left) > Enable Auto-Delete
Messages will show a commencement time to cancellation — just tap on Android or press and hang on iOS to investigate.
Gatherings and channels will require the administrator to empower or change the clock.
Home screen gadgets
Clients who wish to have simpler admittance to individuals they every now and again speak with can add a Telegram gadget to their home screens.
"The Chat Widget shows a review of ongoing messages, while the Shortcut Widget shows just names and profile pictures," said Telegram.
The gadget on Android will appear at date visits and messages and can be extended to occupy more space on the screen.
On iOS in any case, the information may be invigorated sporadically and the gadget can't be extended "because of framework impediments", the informing application said.
Android clients: Press and hang on the home screen > tap Widgets
iOS clients: Press and hang on the home screen > tap (+) > look for Telegram
Limitless gathering individuals
Telegram considers up to 200,000 individuals in a gathering to trade messages, media and stickers.
With the update, bunches that are near the number would now be able to change over into Broadcast Groups which will allow them to have limitless individuals.
A Broadcast Group will imply that just administrators can send messages, anyway individuals can in any case join voice visits.